Zidrax Dagoth - Elder Scrolls

 Name. Zidrax Dagoth

Nick Names. Zid

Titles. General

Species. Mer/Werewolf

Race. Dunmer/Dark elf

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Bisexual

Height. 5.8

Weight. 190 lbs

Age. 111 on current timeline

Hair Color. Black

Tattoos. Tribal on both cheeks, Daedra faces on both shoulders blended with black out and trible,  Wolves faces on his ribs, skeever faces on his ribs, giant demonic looking werewolf on his back, Symbols of Balorgh mixed intro the black out on lower arms and lower legs. A Balorgh pack spine tattoo from his chest to his belly button. Black out and hex symbols on his lower back and ass.

Piercings. Right ear lobe piercing.

Scars. Small one on bridge of his nose, light one from a gash on his head, gnarly one one the front and back of his shoulder from a spear, long gash up the street on his left arm.

Education. Grew up as an apple farmer with his parents until he came of age to join the Morrowind Military for house Redoran.

Skills. Skilled Tactian and survivalist. Experienced business man he learned from his father first and later helped ground the Redoran Dres Mafia as one of the higher ups. 

Powers. Some dabbling in Necromancy but he's not the best. Can shift into a massive Lycan wolf.

Weakness. Silver of course.

Work History. Farmer, Soldier, Sargent, General, Captain of the house Guard in Mournhold.

Current Occupation. Captain of the Guard in Mournhold while not at war.

Birth Home. Narsis, Deshaan, Morrowind.

Current Home. Mournhold, Deshaan, Morrowind.

Family. Maldus Dagoth, Father. Zelera Dagoth, Mother.  Norelli, younger Sister. Druseth, Brother In-law.

Friends. Druseth, Dranos, Falvis.

Enemies. The Covenant, The Dominion, The Thieves Guild and more TBD.

Lovers. Tama R'bruk, Miri Elendis

Pets. Nuzzy, Vale Fawn. Noweyre, Miniature Vale Pony. Skillet, Black wolf pup.

Mounts. Crazy Swit, a big black horse.

Land. His parents farm, a condo like home in Mournhold.

Addictions/Habits. Heavy Alcoholic

Mental Health. Very poor from a mixture of tragedy over the years. His parents murdered, his sister's death, war trauma, bad falling outs with close friends and his hard on and off beef with Falvis. He's really just one to pity himself alot.

Physical Health. Fair for now despite the alcohol. But for an elf he's still young.

Religion. Hercine, god of the hunt. Daedra worship.

Favorites. Booze, Money, Relaxing all day or spending the day out in the forest hunting.

Dislikes. Stuck up rich pricks, humans, Vampires, Actually he can probably make up not liking something at random otherwise.

Quotes. "Lonely isn't being alone, it's the fear that no one cares"

Songs. This is gonna hurt, SIXX A.M.

Jeckyl&Hyde, Five Finger Death Punch.


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