Nilos Dres - Elder Scrolls

 Name. Nilos Dres

Nick Names. None

Titles. Prince, Captain

Species. Mer

Race. Dunmer/Dark Elf

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Bisexual

Height. 5.7

Weight. 168

Age. 152

Hair Color. Black

Tattoos. An arm sleeve of runes mixed with floral, An arm sleeve of different Dres and Morrowind symbols and pictures such as mushrooms, Chains, A decapitated Argonian, a skull on that hand with smoking eyes ect. A leg sleeve of black and white portraits of the Tribunal and floral. A leg sleeve depicting what looks like a pit with slaves at the bottom near his ankle screaming and near the top soldiers and slavers of his people shouting with whips and the Dres throne in the center of it. Thorns tattooed around his fingers and toes.

Piercings. His septum, one lower middle lip piercing, both lobes.

Scars. One on the back of his neck from a sword, A small one beneath his right eye, a deep one behind his left ear, A deep gash over his left ribs.

Education. Very little real education and what little he was given as a child he ignored or didn't soak up and once he was set free so to speak he reveled hard in first joining a band of pirates.

Skills. Skilled swordsman and in hand to hand combat. Decent sense of direction and highly experienced sea captain and Naval battle Tactician.

Powers. Some very low level necromancy.

Weakness. Normal mortal weaknesses

Work History. Pirate, Slaver, Morrowind Naval captain,  he's never settled for long.

Current Occupation. Slavery primarily now as it's simply more money. Though he is still bound to his house and has a good amount of warships at the ready.

Birth Home. Ebonheart, Stonesfalls, Morrowind.

Current Home. Mournhold, Deshaan, Morrowind.

Family. Ulran Dres, Father. Dissu Dres, Mother. Gabriella Dres, Sister. Dranos Dres, Nephew.

Friends. Vani Sadras and Ralyn Telvanni

Enemies. House Hlaalu, The Counsel of Houses in many ways, The Covenant, The Dominion. Alot more TBD.

Lovers. Shalana, on and off lover.

Pets. A big eared Ginger cat named Jinx. A banekin named Dirt.

Mounts. An undead mummified Alikr steed that when around normal Public appears as a normal beautiful black horse named scuttlebloom.

Land. His families many, many, many farms across Morrowind, at least thirty large war vessels and five slave ships. His mansion in Mournhold in the Dres district.

Addictions/Habits. Alcoholic on and off recovering but let's face it once you go back more than once are you ever really recovering? Or just on a break.

Mental Health. Poor, he definitely had a glass half empty look at life and a good deal of depression though usually hidden behind sass and a mug of rum.

Physical Health. Decent for the most part though he did have a past injury to a lung and thus his left lung has remained a bit weakened from that.

Religion. The Tribunal.

Favorites. Booze, Gambling, Big sweet tooth, being at sea as he's just far more at home there anymore than among the other nobles of Morrowind in their fancy palaces.

Dislikes. Pushovers and pansies, Overbearing laws, actually anyone too overbearing in general.

Quotes. "To spread culture and truth to the benighted, this is our commitment and burden"

Songs. Monster, Disturbed. Set me Free, Avenged Sevenfold.
