Dranos Indoril Dres - Elder Scrolls

 Name. Dranos Indoril Dres

Nick Names.None

Titles. Prince

Species. Mer

Race. Dunmer aka Dark Elf

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Bisexual

Height. 6.0

Weight. 155

Age. 108 by current time line

Hair Color. Red

Tattoos. None

Piercings. One nostril piercing.

Scars. Alot of scaring around his left eye socket beneath his eye patch where his eye was cut out. A deep gash from a bad open break and surgery on his left leg, another gash on his stomach from a knife.

Education. Military training, Shatastula Mages Academy training where he majored in Alchemy and Healing spells.

Skills. Skilled alchemist and Healer.

Powers. Aedra sun powers that mostly work to heal though a few can be used as an attack at their most potent strength. Inhuman strength if it's after the point he had his mechanical work down to his arms and hands. Or has a replacement eye that can't see but scan heats signatures and helps him sense objects easier.

Weakness. Normal human weaknesses.

Work History. A mage in the Dres Military forces at one point.

Current Occupation. Currently a head of the Redoran, Dre's Mafia and has his own Alchemical shop in Mournhold.

Birth Home. Narsis, Deshaan, Morrowind.

Current Home. Mournhold, Deshaan, Morowind.

Family. Uryn Indoril, Father. Gabriella Dres, Mother. He claims his mother's last name just due to where she was actually raised and his father was a drunk abusive bastard who died an early death.

Ashu Awa Dres, Son. Vodryn Dres, Son. Nilos Dres, Uncle. ((Gabriella's younger brother))

Friends. Falvis, Zidrax, Druseth, Miri

Enemies. The Covenant, The Dominion, House Hlaalu and Indoril on and off. The Morrowind Blades (( group of mercenaries lead by the men who took his eye))

Lovers. Hlenia Redoran, baby mama. Esmee Florelle, Baby Mama.

Pets. Bugloss, Nirn, Root, Sandy all different guars.

Mounts. Bull, the black stallion with grey stripes. Shroom, a large guar.

Land. His families countless farms technically, his alchemist shop in Mournhold, his own small nirnroot farm near the river.

Addictions/Habits. Drugs, mainly uppers as it helps him focus. Though he has been known to go for the downers when in a rough patch emotionally.

Mental Health. Poor as dirt. He doesn't always show it but he's certainly not one to think highly of himself. For much of his life he even had a bad eating disorder which lead to alot wrong with his immune and digestive system eventually. Has a severe problem with night terrors.

Physical Health. As stated above his immune system isn't great nor is his digestive system so he's sick quite more often than the average person. And you know what the cure for that is!? More medicine!

Religion. Daedra worship. Vaermina Cultist.

Favorites. Drugs, Magic, Tripping on shrooms is a favorite or an even bigger favorite is riding the dream stride. Guar lover by nature, reading is also a fave.

Dislikes. Himself first and foremost. However on a lighter note he's not a fan of bullies despite being close to one, Straight edged pricks who think they're better, No one can touch his lab unless he's there or he'll lose his shit, Guars being subject of abuse or being hurt would probably send him into a fit in seconds, he's also been known to eventually get fed up with being used by people and is less than friendly once he's done with you which has lead to obvious rifts with his friend group.

Quotes. "I searched everywhere for a proof of reality, when all the while I understood quite well that the standard of reality had changed"

Songs. Nightmare, Set It Off. Deadbite, Hollywood Undead.


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