Hartmin Nightpool - Elder Scrolls

 Name. Hartmin Nightpool

Nick Names. Harty

Titles. New Moon Voidbringer

Species. Mer

Race. Bosmer/Woodelf, Breton/Human

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Pansexual

Height. 5.4

Weight. 118

Age. 197

Hair Color. Black

Tattoos. Chin to toe in tribal black out.

Piercings. Both ears, nostril, tongue

Scars. Scar across his throat from hanging, burn scars on his lower back and legs, Cut scars across his palms.

Education. Dominion Mage Schooling in Auridon. Necromancy and Bloodmagic training while in the moon cult.

Skills. Highly skilled Mage, Full of useless facts from spending his younger years studying things such as magic, dragons and the dark arts. Skilled battle Tactician.

Powers. Necromancy: Can raise the dead and control Flesh atronachs linked specifically to him.

Bloodmagic: Can control and manipulate blood.

Weakness. Normal mortal weaknesses. Cannot control any Flesh atronachs not specifically bound to him. Raising the dead takes enough strength it depends how many he brings up at a time, one may exhaust him enough like someone who's ran up some stairs but a horde or a big enough soul like a dragon is exhausting enough to compare to playing an entire football game with no break.

Work History. Spent a short time as a Dominion Mage, then transferred to work as a spy for some time where he eventually got a price on his head when he fell to the influence of a cult he was uncover in. However after the cults defeat he ended up back home working alongside a child hood friend to keep money in his pocket and hiding out in the Valenwood from those who still wanted his head in a platter.

Current Occupation. Mercenary

Birth Home. Marbruk, Greenshade, Valenwood.

Current Home. Valyn Harbor, Mal Bal Tor, Valenwood.

Family. Father, Nalbor "Cocoa" Nightpool. Mother, Romaire Seychelle. Octavia Shift, Sister.

Friends. Ardne, Tavan and Caska

Enemies. The Dominion, The Tharn Family, Queen Khamira of Elsweyre.

Lovers. Agronak Gro-Muk, Deceased after the fall of the Dragons and cult

Pets. None

Mounts. Corbin, a skeletal horse

Land. A small hut at the edge of Valyn Harbor

Addictions/Habits. Nothing but Tobacco and Coffee.

Mental Health. Poor as dirt mostly. Depression from being an unwanted child to being tormented and manipulated in the Dominion training camps, having your lover try to kill you also doesn't exactly stick to well with someone.

Physical Health. Fair all things considered other than a few bad joints and Hemophilia

Religion. None ever since the dragon cult. He basically rejects even his kins gods.

Favorites. Books, quiet, his two best friends, long rides in Corbin in the woods, his antique Dwemer collection, his pottery art.

Dislikes. Everything! You, his family, animals, water, food not cooked right, why did you take his seat and what is there to complain about today?

Quotes. "The best pace is a suicide pace, and today is a good day to die" 

Songs. Join me in Death, HIM.


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