Zayne Alastor Hall - Disciple - Fallout


Name. Zayne Alastor Hall

Nick Name. None

Age. 32

Race. Romanian/German/Scottish

Species. Human

Height. 5.6

Weight. 145

Zodiac sign. Virgo

Home town. Vault 11

Current town. Nuka Town U.S.A

Type of home. A corner on the main floor of the Disciples warehouse.

Sexuality. Bisexual

Relationships. His wife who was killed while in the vault

Family.  Two triplet siblings and had both parents most of his life aside from his father who was selected to be killed when he was fifteen. His son who only lived to be almost a year old.

Occupation. Disciples Knight

Education. College level being raised within a vault.

Skills. Technology expert of the Disciples. Also a very good sketch artist when he puts his mind to it which isn't common anymore.

Military background. None

Activities. Drawing, Music, among much sicker things anymore

Alliances. The Disciples, The Pack, The Operators, The Nuka Town Raiders

Crime. Countless at this point. Kidnapping, Rape, Torture, Stalking you name it. Definitely known for the more violent side of crime hints his Disciples recruitment

Incarcerations. Once right before he and his brother escaped the vault where he was nearly elected to be killed. Instead however his wife was chosen in his place and they failed to get her out in time and caused a riot that ended in several murders and the death of his oldest brother.

Addictions. Heavy Psycho addict.

Physical health. Poor due to drug abuse, cigarettes and lack of food and sleep.

Mental health. VERY poor from being raised in such a twisted vault as a child to his time alone with his youngest brother in the wasteland. He's fried what brain he had left on psycho and completely lost it for the most part. Actually at times has full on breaks and thinks his lover, son and brother are still very much alive.

Closest friends.  Rail

Worst enemies. Definitely the people who still run Vault 11

Weapon of choice. Baseball bats. Especially ones he's modified

Fighting knowledge. Basic self defense training and otherwise self taught

Favorite Color. Black today, pink tomorrow, white on Sundays who knows 🤣

Favorite food. None he forgets that's a thing half the time

Favorite Music. Any and everything depending on the mood.

Favorite sport. Baseball! It provides him with a way to bludgeon little bitches!

Favorite holiday. Halloween

Least favorite holiday. None, doesn't really care

Favorite clothing.  Skinnies, tank tops and plaid

Tattoos. To many to count

Scars. Scattered self harm and track marks. One on his neck from trying to hang himself not long after leaving the Vault. Old gashes from nine tails due to his long list of fuck ups after joining the gang.

Surgeries. None major…. Yet


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