William Black - Operator - Fallout


Name. William Black

Nick Name. Will

Age. 30

Race. Unknown

Species. Human

Height. 5.11

Weight. 149

Zodiac sign. Pisces

Home town. Diamond City

Current town. Nuka Town

Type of home. A room in The Parlor.

Sexuality. Bisexual

Relationships. Dixie, past fling. Esella, past fling while trying to stay away from the road his brother was on.

Family. Evalyn, mother. Scott, father. Milo, older brother.

Occupation. Ex brotherhood of steel scribe. Operator Doctor.

Education. High school, Brotherhood of steel science schooling.

Skills. Medical training, Heavy Combat training.

Military background. Worked with the brotherhood of steel from age 16 through age 18.

Activities. Reading, and exploration. He likes to focus on learning new things.

Alliances. The Operators, The Pack, The Disciples.

Crime. Extortion and one murder as he's mainly involved in expeditions for exploration and knowledge or stays at the base to work.

Incarcerations. Once before being banned from Diamond City.

Addictions. Alcoholic for sure

Physical health. Stays in decent shape but has some bad old injuries such as his back from an accident in a chopper.

Mental health. Poor due to strained relationships with his family and brother and alot of PTSD from his time in the brotherhood and just being on his own in the wasteland in general.

Closest friends. Larkin

Worst enemies. His family and The Brotherhood after he got kicked out for selling some of their technology to raiders.

Weapon of choice. Brass knuckles or an Automatic laser pistols.

Fighting knowledge. Heavy Combat training.

Favorite Color. Blue

Favorite food. Any seafood.

Favorite Music. Heavy metal, Classic rock, Rap.

Favorite sport. None

Favorite holiday. None

Least favorite holiday. Chrismas for the same reason as his brother

Tattoos. Countless brightly colored

Scars. Several bullet wounds and lazor burns from his time in the brotherhood

Surgeries. Had to have his knee cap replaced after being thrown from an overpass in a fight with some Gunners during his time with the brotherhood.


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