Trevor "Taha" Paxton Clavijo - The Pack - Fallout
Name. Trevor Paxton Clavijo
Nick Name. Taha
Age. 24
Race. Unknown
Species. Human
Height. 5.6
Weight. 142
Zodiac sign. Leo
Home town. Casper, Wyoming
Current town. Nuka Town U.S.A
Type of home. The Pack Den
Sexuality. Bisexual
Relationships. Several, most of them he managed to fuck up somehow by just in general being a horny player
Family. Orphaned on the side of the road and adopted by one of the Packs members. Never knew his real parents but his adoptive mother's name was Star.
Occupation. Pack Beta.
Education. None other then what the pack teaches it's members.
Skills. One of the Packs best hunters.
Military background. None
Activities. Drinking, and Drinking, and Scavenging while drunk, and drinking while hunting, and probably trying to ride that radstag because someone said he couldn't

Alliances. The Pack,The Operators, The Disciples, Nuka Town Raiders
Crime. As a raider to long to list.
Addictions. Primarily a psycho user as well as …. Alcohol!!!
Physical health. Splendid!!! So far anyway ..
Mental health. Has a decent amount of depression sense his adoptive mother passed, usually tends to cover it up however.
Closest friends. Riley
Worst enemies. None specific currently.
Weapon of choice. Sniper rifles, Crossboys, Knives, rifles. Pretty much anything he can use to hunt.
Fighting knowledge. Trained growing up in the pack.
Favorite Color. Green
Favorite food. Chicken wings! Deer Jerky, major into junk food especially meat types.
Favorite Music. Country, rock, metal, classic rock, techno.
Favorite sport. Soccer just because they got to play it alot growing up.
Favorite holiday. Thanksgiving…. Cause perfect weather and alot of food!
Least favorite holiday. None particular
Tattoos. Covered
Scars. A few from bullet wounds, one on his left from where a bear bit him, another on his lower back of three claw marks where he got smacked by a Deathclaw. One on his head from being knocked off a rock and cracking his head open.
Surgeries. Only once for the head injury where they actually had to beg for help from the operators to put parts of his skull back in place.
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