Riley De León - The Pack - Fallout


Name. Riley De León

Nick Name. None

Age. 33

Race. Mexican/Latino

Species. Human

Height. 6.0

Weight. 175

Zodiac sign. Taurus

Home town. Las Angeles

Current town. Nuka Town U.S.A

Type of home.  The Pack Den

Sexuality. Bisexual

Type for partner. Chill, laid back, he ain't got time for drama

Favorite feature on partner. Eyes

Relationships. A few short flings but nothing major

Family. None known

Occupation. Pack Healer

((This question is specific to the pack. To explain each identify's, some even act more like such animal but upon initiation they either can choose or if they can't decide they are given an animal that represents them. Think of it like Harry Potter the their Patronus))

Animal. Falcon

Education. Studied medical science with the brotherhood as a scribe for a time.

Skills. Medicines, Natural Remedies, Drugs mostly but otherwise is good at basic stuff.

Military background. Ex Brotherhood

Activities. Major artist and can do anything from painting living areas to stitching up toys or building decor out of whatever he finds though it consists of alot of metal, bones, hide and such

Alliances. The Pack,The Operators, The Disciples, Nuka Town Raiders

Crime. As a raider, to long to list.

Incarcerations. Once for being suspected of poisoning another scribe during his time with the brotherhood

Addictions. Major pot head and super into shrooms.

Physical health. Fair other than a few past injuries that hurt on occasion

Mental health. A bit wacky but mainly just has a bit of a wild mind and views the world differently

Closest friends. Hates Nakano

Worst enemies. The Brotherhood

Weapon of choice.  Auto weapons of any kind as they're easy.

Fighting knowledge. Some military training

Favorite Color. Red

Favorite food. Anything sweet really as he's constantly got the munchies and those things are easy

Favorite Music. Classic rock, rock, some metal

Favorite sport. None

Favorite holiday. Thanks giving. He's one for food and big chill get togethers

Least favorite holiday. New years. Hates the roudy big party's as he usually ends up a baby sitter.

Tattoos. Countless

Scars. Not many as he avoids most fights at any cost

Surgeries. None


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