Rail Olli Pickman - Disciple - Fallout


Name. Rail Olli Pickman

Nick Name. Baby Pickman, Pickman The Second, Pickman

Age. 26

Race. Unknown

Species. Human

Height. 6 foot.

Weight. 178

Zodiac sign. Aries

Home town. Little Lamplight

Current town. Nuka-World

Type of home. Wherever he crashes in the Disciples base.

Sexuality. Demisexual

Family. Pickman, Father. Unknown mother as he suspects his father used her for art not long after he was born. Though you could say after his father abandoned him when he was small to the little girl in the town of children she became everything. His mother, his sister, his first crush and eventually his first victim.

Occupation. Disciples Rook

Education. What was taught to him from the older kids while living in Little lamp light.

Skills. Art! Specifically painting and drawing like his father.

Military background. None

Activities. Painting, Drawing, Carving, and basically anything he can do to be artsy.

Alliances. The Disciples, The Pack, The Operators.

Crime. Countless murders, robbery, extortion, and kidnappings. Among whatever the gangs asked 

Incarcerations. Only once when he got in trouble for attacking and scalping another girl in little lamp light as he wanted her hair for a doll he'd been making. He was then locked up for the remaining of his time there and should have been then executed but Maccready had been a close friend of his and made the poor decision to release him.

Addictions. X-Cell

Physical health. Good besides being deaf in one ear due to a stint being beaten to a pulp daily by super mutants alongside what might have been as close to a closest friend he ever had Zayne.

Mental health. Indescribable for this kind of bio. Ill sense birth. Son of a Serial killer. 

Closest friends. Savoy, Zayne and Strong.

Worst enemies. His father

Weapon of choice. Swords and long knives.

Fighting knowledge. What he was self taught growing up. 

Favorite Music. Classical and rock

Favorite holiday. He doesn't have one though he usually loves being able to get artsy for them all.

Least favorite holiday. Thanksgiving mainly as he doesn't understand or relate to anything about it.

Favorite clothing. Masks, t-shirts, jeans, anything dark he can not worry about getting “paint” on 😉

Tattoos. To many to count

Scars. Long one on his head and partially on his ear from the assault that rendered him half deaf.

Surgeries. Random stuff, stitches, bullets removed ect. Being a killer and a raider makes life ten times more dangerous.


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