Milo Black - Operator - Fallout
Name. Milo Black
Nick Name. None
Age. 32
Race. Unknown
Species. Human
Height. 5.7
Weight. 150
Zodiac sign. Capricorn
Home town. Diamond City
Current town. Nuka Town
Type of home. A room in his gangs base
called The Parlor. An old renovated Diner.
Sexuality. Bisexual
Relationships. An ex named Kyla who runs
with a group of Raiders called The Forged.
Family. Evalyn Black, Mother. Scott Black,
Father. William Black, Little brother.
Occupation. Member of the Operators,
Robotics expert, eventual leader of The Operators.
Education. Highschool, Guard training
before he was banned from the city.
Skills. Hacking, and mechanics.
Military background. If you consider
working for the diamond City guards a form of that then some.
Activities. Work, work, work…. He doesn't
do much else unless he's hanging out with his robots.
Alliances. The Operator's, The Disciples
and The Pack.
Crime. Hijacking, Theft, Blackmail mainly.
Though his group never kills unless met with hostiles he and his brother were
responsible for beating a girl to death over a dispute over money.
Incarcerations. Once for several months
before being exiled from Diamond City.
Addictions. Cigarettes and caffeine mainly
Physical health. Near perfect besides a bad
case of insomnia.
Mental health. Very self centered
narcissistic person.
Closest friends. His brother and best
friend Jaska
Worst enemies. His family and The
Triggermen, a sophisticated mafia type group.
Weapon of choice. His robots 😂
Fighting knowledge. Trained in hand to hand
and basic shooting.
Favorite Color. Gold
Favorite food. Definitely more into the
souped up chicken salads and wraps.
Favorite Music. Classic Rock, Pop, Country,
R&B basically anything chill.
Favorite sport. None
Favorite holiday. Does his birthday count?
Least favorite holiday. Christmas, alot of
fights happened during those days
Tattoos. Countless mainly black and white.
Scars. One of his lip from being hit by
brass knuckles by his father.
Surgeries. None
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