Lawrence "Dixie" Darkwater - Disciple - Fallout
Name. Lawrence Darkwater
Nick Name. Dixie
Age. 25
Species. Synth
Height. 5.9
Weight. 151
Zodiac sign. Scorpio
Home town. The Institute
Current town. Nukatown
Type of home. A small but built high up in
the large warehouse the Disciples call home.
Sexuality. Bisexual
Relationships. Sadie, ex girlfriend. William Black, ex boyfriend. Savoy, on and
off fuck buddy.
Family. Israel Darkwater, Father. Lily
Darkwater, Mother.
Occupation. Disciples Queen.
Education. None unless you count the real
man's father heavily abusing and training them to be a killer for his gang.
Skills. Killing, torture, though he's more
wild than some and less skilled relying on his strength and insanity as opposed
to smarts.
Military background. None
Activities. Killing? Self harm? Sex? All at
once? Reliving his past kills by listening to the recordings he keeps in his
room? Yup definitely. And if he's not doing any of these and isn't working he's
probably bullying someone and making their life hell.
Alliances. The Disciples, The Pack, The
Crime. Murder, murder, assault, more
murder, rape, more murder, necrophilia, and more murder.
Incarcerations. Once by the institute the
first he tried to escape after being made into Synth.
Addictions. Fury mostly
Physical health. Diabetes
Mental health. Horrible. Too horrible to
explain in bio and LAZY
Closest friends. No one
Worst enemies. The Institute
Weapon of choice. Knives, swords blades of
all kinds.
Fighting knowledge. Countless types from
the training he was forced into as a small child.
Favorite Color. Red
Favorite food. SUGAR!
Favorite Music. Pretty much a bit
Favorite sport. Killing count? Oh I know!
Head soccer! Eenie meenie miniee TOE! Beat the hooker with a hoe!!!
Favorite holiday. Halloween
Least favorite holiday. All the others
Favorite clothing. Black, also black,
Tattoos. Countless self done mostly cartoon
horror type things.
Scars. Self harm scars, a scar on his
throat from a victim who almost got the upper hand and many lash marks on his
back from being beaten as a kid and even some all over his body from his leader
who uses that as a way to keep them all in line plus knife and burn marks on
his ribs from punishment as well.
Surgeries. None
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