Larkin Wyath - Operator - Fallout


Name. Larkin Wyath

Nick Name. None

Age. 35


Species. Human

Height. 5.9


Zodiac sign. Sagittarius

Home town. Houston, Texas.

Current town. Nuka Town, U.S.A

Type of home.  A room off his lab in the Parlor

Sexuality. Bisexual

Relationships. Only one ex girlfriend who turned on him during the NCR drama.

Family. Both Parents parents killed by a group of supermutants. 4 Sisters scattered.

Occupation. Operator, Chemist

Education. High level education with the NCR.

Skills. Science is his home for sure. Starting back when he was a child making bombs in his mother's basement. He is now well versed in playing with both drugs and weapons and built up quite a few different terrible weaponized substances.

Military background. Ex NCR

Activities. Reading, research or playing with his newest project.

Alliances. The Pack,The Operators, The Disciples, Nuka Town Raiders

Crime. As a raider to long to list.

Incarcerations. Once after a bomb destroyed an entire blimp and he was under investigation for conspiracy with the Brotherhood of Steal.

Addictions. Mentats basically a souped up version of Adderall or similar uppers

Physical health. Decent other than he's suffered from previous heart problems sense birth.

Mental health. If they had mental health much he'd probably be at least a few inches onto the Autism spectrum, mixed with a good amount of anxiety and PTSD from his time in the NCR he's definitely a fair level of off ebe for him own gang.

Closest friends. Milo and William

Worst enemies. The Brotherhood and NCR

Weapon of choice.  Anything that goes boom as well as very particular for energy weapons.

Fighting knowledge. Military training with the NCR

Favorite Color. Green

Favorite food. If coffee counts then that would be it. Considering he's probably got like six different types and even some he's found and saved for keeps sake. Like he's obsessed with the stuff.

Favorite Music. Classic rock, rock, Metal, Country, Blues and the likes.

Favorite sport. None

Favorite holiday. Forth of July or New Years because BOOM!

Least favorite holiday. None really

Tattoos. Countless mostly black colored

Scars. A couple small ones from lazors and having his heart worked on.

Surgeries. See above question. A couple different ones.


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