Landon Kotov - Disciple - Fallout


Name. Makar Landon Kotov

Nick Name. Goes by his middle name "Landon"

Age. 33

Race. German

Species. Mutated human experiment

Height. 5.10

Weight. 195

Zodiac sign. Aquarius

Home town. Chapayevsk, Samara Oblast

Current town. Nuka Town U.S.A

Type of home. A tent outside of the warehouse where most of the newest members crash.

Sexuality. Bisexual

Relationships. His wife who's been dead for, nearly a decade at least as of now.

Family. Parents still alive somewhere most likely still working for the institute.

Occupations. Former institute guard and Synth Trainor.

Disciples Pawn. 

Education. High levels of schooling which everyone is out through in the institute.

Skills. Known for his ability to commit rather organized, dangerous heists involving robbing banks, or huge vaults in some of the bigger cities or military groups bases.

Military background. Institute level military training.

Activities. Definitely the type to enjoy being out and doing things in nature or a heavy intense workout. So you name it, in past he's been out racing big mad max trucks, fucking around at the beach, and those types of things.

Alliances.  The Disciples, The Pack, The Operators, The Nuka Town Raiders

Crime. To long to list

Incarcerations. None

Addictions. On and off addiction to buffout which is basically a form of military steroid. 

Physical health. Excellent considering he's damn near immune to alot the wasteland has going against others and is already a bit of a nut about his physique and even if he wasn't he stays fairly active.

Mental health. Sketchy at best. He's not exactly as unhinged as some of them but he does have a bad thing for trying to put perform others, bully others just cause he finds it amusing and what is authority? Possible narcissist for sure.

Closest friends. Zayne

Worst enemies. The Institute who are to blame for turning him into what he is only to try and have him killed after for fear he'd destroy them.

Weapon of choice.  His own mutation …

Fighting knowledge. Highly military trained

Favorite Color.  Green

Favorite food. Sushi

Favorite Music. Any kind of heavy metal or rock almost.

Favorite sport. Football for the win!

Favorite holiday. Definitely Halloween

Least favorite holiday. Easter maybe?

Favorite clothing. Dark, black, black like his SOUL with a mix of white. Usually jeans, boots and cut offs of fuck a shirt!

Tattoos. Countless head to toe

Scars. A few small marks from back when he was training at the institute.

Surgeries. None major


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