Paul - Lost Boys


General Info.

Name. Paul

Race. German, English, Scottish

Parents. Taken from his mother after she was imprisoned for drugs.

Siblings.  One Brother and one sister separated in the foster system after the situation with their mother. He was ten at the time she was arrested, his siblings were six and three.

Children. A son with his ex.

Best Friend. Marko. The two are probably the most inseparable of the group. Probably both due to having siblings they lost in the past and their shared joy in similar things as well as being the youngest two.

Age. Written between 19-20. Youngest vampire in the group.

Age Turned. 18, Found living behind a dumpster at the back of a nearby store not long after he broke in a stole everything from the cash drawer to buy food and booze.

Hobbies. Music, Art, Party animal, Social butterfly and usually down for most anything along as he's stuck trying to entertain himself.

Music taste. Little bit of everything really.

Favorite foods. Junk food of any sort really. Candy, cookies, chips, fries.

Favorite weather. Warm enough to actually do shit like go out on the town or even to the beach.


Height. 6.0

Weight. 159 lb

Hair color. Dirty Strawberry blonde, bleached hair.

Hair style. Long and messy. Alot of hair spray

Eye Color. Blue

Scars. A few nicks from fights mainly.

Tattoos. A pinup girl and roses on his calf. The words "Fuk U" on his wrist.

Piercings. One ear piercing


Temperament. Wild and Reckless, he's the sort to immediately try something just because some told him not to or dared him. Definitely a show off when it comes impressing people and thanks to probably his relationship with Marko also a bit of a bully when it comes to hunting or those who've slightly irritated him. With women he can be a huge flirt almost on que but in the same way a bit angry and over aggressive as he was with his ex. Kids? No issues, he doesn't exactly love them and you probably don't want him teaching them things but he definitely knows how to play with them and is definitely that wild and rough but extremely fun older brother to Laddie. One second teaching the kid something inappropriate and the next giving him junk food or letting him eat off the floor or out of the trash cause why not? He's also pretty easily butt hurt though and seems to have an attachment issue… like a dog with anxiety you definitely don't leave him home alone or the curtains are going to be shredded and the couch fluff everywhere because you ABANDONED him!

Moral/Ethical beliefs. What are those? Kidding to a point though he definitely is on the side of lacking and insensitive at times. For him he certainly understands things to a point of what's wrong and right but he also let's all that fly out the window if he thinks it will impress someone.

Habits and Quirks. See above where he constantly needs social interaction and stimulation to feel wanted.

Fears. That everyone will eventually leave him.

Vampiric Powers. Super speed, Super strength,  Accelerated healing, Shape shifting/Bat.

Weaknesses. Sunlight, Holy water, Silver, Wooden stakes to the heart of course, ((Garlic's a myth. Legit just makes some of them a bit nauseous at most))

Skills. Played drums for a short period in high school band. Epically good at painting that usually takes the form of elaborate spray painting where it probably shouldn't go.

NSFW section.

Gender. Male

Sexuallity. Bisexual

Relationships of past or present. A few ex's from high school of course but most notably the last girl who he got pregnant. The two broke up after he became so obsessive he thought she was cheating with her boss and assaulted her.

View on love? It's a fantastic fantasy and has to be real! Shit he'll prove it or let his damn soul get crushed in the process.

View on sex? Natural part of life. Who doesn't do it?

Physical type?

Type of personality or other things attracted to?

First time information.

Role in the bedrooms. Switch depending on the person.

Vanilla,Rough or kinky? Kinky as all fuck when he wants to be.

View on cheating and have they ever? Psychos do that. Either break up or you're a piece of shit.

How do they spend Valentines day? Either trying to woo someone or moping. Depends if he has someone. Definitely moping is Marko has someone and he doesn't. 🤣

Would they ever sleep with someone or be with someone for money or possessions? "If they love me!!!" -Daft idiot 101-

If my muse saw a shrink.

Most notable trauma. Feeling like his mother hated them. Neglected only to now live with guilt from being an angry child who neglected his younger siblings. He's a depressive mess with a big ass smile.

Mental diagnosis. Borderline

Drug addictions. Not an addict but he definitely likes tripping a bit much at times.

Rap sheet. Domestic assault 3 times.  Truancy, fighting and Vandalism while growing up.

Unconvicted crimes. All the above plus possession of illegal drugs and forearms.


He was kicked out at least five foster Holmes and two group homes growing up.


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