Marko - Lost Boys


General Info.

Name. Marko

Race. Scottish, Irish, Swedish, Romanian, English

Parents. Mother left when he was two. Father was a drunk abusive psycho.

Age. Written between 21-23

Age turned. 16 while at a party that David was attending he nearly died of a drug over dose.

Hobbies. Gaming, Comics, Party Animal, Motorcycles. Usually can be found out tearing it up with his bike, hitting up the amusement parks or the arcades. Unless he's at home in which case snacking, comics and magazines is his typical go to.

Music taste. Metal, the heavier the better. Some country and folk music as well.

Favorite foods. Candiholic. Usually has some sort of surgery shit to snack on. Real food wise he's the one who's favorite is Chinese and he usually hits up the Chinese food place at least once a week.

Favorite weather. Cold


Height. 5.7

Weight.127 lb

Hair color. Dirty blonde

Hair style. Curled mullet

Eye Color. Brown

Scars. Old scars from self harm during his time being abused and bullied in middle school.

Tattoos. None

Piercings. One ear piercing


Temperament. From bullied to Bully…. Marko is an absolute asshole just because it's fun in most cases. A fight breaks out and he's the first one jumping in if he didn't start it to begin with. He may not be the loudest of the group as that goes to Paul but her certainly falls right behind that either instigating things or starting shit just because he can. That saying that bullies have the most self hate however definitely goes to Marko. From acting like a wild animal and the toughest boy on the block to his heavy drug addictions he's done a good job of covering up his level of actual self esteem being on the floor. Probably where he left it growing up in a world where you're blamed for his mother leaving or the dog shitting in the house only to get a belt to the face of a broken nose. Then school was no different. He was small, he was weird, he was fat …. So he stopped eating.

His defense mechanism is strong and he's the most ruthless and most vengeful of the entire group. One small slight and he might toy with you like a cat does a mouth or shred you for all you're worth. Even if you don't …. He's still likely to pick at and torment.

Though one good thing is once he's in your square you won't find anyone more loyal. Which is the case with him and David and him and Paul.

Moral/Ethical beliefs. What morals? "Mother taught me not to throw stones at cripples. But my father taught me… aim for their head" indeed his way of viewing others could at times be compared to Ramsay's.

Habits and Quirks. Showering like three times a week at most because who the hell cares? Opposite of ocd LMFAO dudes a complete trash panda in other words. If someone's left a pile of fast food containers or soda cans good chance it's him. Another big no no is touching his comics without asking, talk about instantly pissed. Furthermore it's the only thing he actually keeps nice… in the plastics and everything.

Fears. Everything…. Bigger guys, Deep water, Real Adults, Cops…. The trick is he's become so accustomed to everything being worth fearing his reaction far more resembles a cornered rat or angry Chihuahua verses most who'd let it show.

Vampiric Powers. Super speed, Super strength,  Accelerated healing, Shape shifting/Bat. Can charm fairly decent but isn't the best at it so usually he just doesn't.

Weaknesses. Sunlight, Holy water, Silver, Wooden stakes to the heart of course, ((Garlic's a myth. Legit just makes some of them a bit nauseous at most))

Skills. Best in a straight dirty street fight. Is fairly skilled when it comes to working on bikes but if you need something done to a car you're better asking Dwayne. Super smart when it comes to technology as he's super into gaming and usually keeps up to date with such shit. Dude could probably even figure out to jack in and listen to someone's phone line or cops radios if he really wanted to…. Or has he while bored?

NSFW section.

Gender. Male

Sexuality. Pansexual

Relationships of past or present. None, constantly getting turned down or being to forceful and turning it into a meal instead.

View on love? Why bother?

View on sex? It's enjoyable

Physical type? Usually dark hair, hippies and goths. Been known to go after a few country girls as well as one Jock street bike racer. Doesn't seem to care if they're to skinny or athletic but definitely hasn't gone for chunky. Unless to bully them.

Type of personality or other things attracted to? The guy definitely has no idea. He sees something he likes and tries to talk to it. It usually fails and he ends up a vengeful shit storm…

First time information. A girl on his second day of highschool who was DARED to hook up with his by a group of her preppy friends.

Role in the bedrooms. Submissive/Power Bottom depending on mood

Vanilla,Rough or kinky? Kinky

View on cheating and have they ever? He hath no opinion considering he's never had a real relationship.

How do they spend Valentines day? Making fun of Valentines day. Probably even purposely ruining it for other?

Would they ever sleep with someone or be with someone for money or possessions? Fuck yeah! That's sex and money right there! Win win!

If my muse saw a shrink.

Most notable trauma. Being beaten as a child certainly did it. So did getting shoved into lockers and purposely targeted while trying out for sports and things he tried to do to fit in as a child.

Mental diagnosis. Definitely some kind of narcissism.

Drug addictions. The Queen is Heroin

Rap sheet. Never actually arrested.

Unconvicted crimes. Vandalism, Assault, Murder, Harassment, Drug possession, Illegal firearms, Car theft, Armed Robbery, Larson, Shoplifting


He tried to kill his father when he was twelve but it was never reported because he failed, ended up leaving his dad with a stab wound and himself with a broken wrist and fractured skull and his father was so drunk he likely forgot about it meanwhile his aunt managed to cover it up.


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