Fifty Character Questions - Johnathan "Johnny" Rory Holmes



1. What’s one memory with a friend that you’re fond of? "Me and the boys last summer. Drove down into Mexico and holy shit. Party next level to the hangover for a friend of ours bachelor party. I definitely woke up in a hotel missing half my wardrobe with hookers on the sofa. But we had a great time and made it back in time for his vows unlike the movie so you know? All good?" πŸ˜‚

2. Past relationships? How did they go? Do you still speak to each other?

"None of them really. Let's just say a few I definitely fucked up. Then there was the one who I left on a sidewalk in the middle of town I got so mad…. So yeah nah. Fuck that topic"

3. In what ways has someone hurt you? Who?

"My best friend from highschool….. we aren't friends anymore. I dunno maybe he went crazy but suddenly he hated everyone I was friends with, everyone I dated. He was constantly causing problems with all of them and the last time I saw him he was storming back into his house all because I invited the girl I liked at the time. Anyway we don't talk anymore"

4. Talk about a happy experience. "Have you ever stood by the damn Hollywood sign!!! Shit was fun for once reason. I fucking made it here and can now tell those who thought I was washing my time to suck my left nut"

5. Talk about a traumatic experience. "Fuck, starting out rough huh? Well there was this time I tried running away when I was a kid. Um, well, creeps are real….. I managed to get away but I was lost in the woods of a state park…… for a week. It was awful"

6. Do you have any siblings? Family? What’s your relationship with them? "Yes I do, mom died in a psych ward recently of a heart attack, Dad's a hard assholes, Brothers only purpose in my life is to fucking kick cause it's fucking funny"

7. Talk about the last argument you’ve had with someone. What was it about? "Sage over bringing alcohol into the studio. Dude had a major stick up his ass that day"

8. Do you have a job? What parts of it do you like/don’t like? What do you?

"Uh duh, I DJ on occasion at club and drum for band. So that being said…. Definitely no issue with work"

9. Talk about the people you know at work. Do you like them? Do you hang out with them after work?

"No I hate ALL THESE FUCK!!!! Kidding yeah I fucking love em. Our singers a bit of a gossip queen but he's cool, Our bassist, ber Friend Right there. Ov his weird ass! Then our lead guitarist is definitely cool, alot more chill than I am so he probably gets annoyed at my ass. Our back up guitarist … can be a moody mother fucker and I think he snaps at me the most! But end of the day he's a pretty cool guy and definitely knows how to party. NOW… Far as the guys I occasionally DJ for, they're fuckin great. Club Owner used to DJ himself and his wife's super cool. Bar staff comes and goes so much it's hard to keep track of though"

10. Pick a scar/injury you have/had and talk about how you got it.  "I have one one on my foot, long time ago I got into a bad fight and the guy pulled a damn knife. Stabbed it right through where my ankle and foot kinda meet at the top. But oh well I don't think I've ever kicked the dog shit out of anyone that hard before or sense then"

11. What do you look for in someone you wish to date? What do you find attractive? "A good head on there shoulders. Not to fond of the "Mommy or Daddy got me this" types. I mean if they have a nice body that's definitely a plus but I'd rather have someone who isn't an absolute dramatic cunt and maybe even has an understanding of the hard work and goals I have. That being said most of my long terms have been models, one aspiring actress, a monster truck driver… Ambitious people who have as much time to be up my ass as I have to be up there. None. Like my last girlfriend way kinda that way but then suddenly she dropped out of college and decided I was cheating on her when I'd be at fucking work or a party with the guys. And she never wanted to go to the parties either. Annoying bitch"

12. Name something that you like that you’re embarrassed about.

"Nothing! Wanna see what kinda boxers I wear? They have fucking tacos on them! Wanna listen to Brittney spears with me? Let's go!"

13. Who’s the last person you kissed? Is there anyone you’d like to kiss?

"This hot ass black bitch named Stacia. At a party. And duh, a few actually"

14. What do you do to relax?

"Run a marathon….  Kidding! Alot of fucking weed…. Mellows me right the fuck down. Mostly…"

15. Are you happy?

"Do I fucking look sad? Next question"

16. Talk about one person you’ve met recently.

"Well there was a pretty hot chick at the bar the other day. Straight gorgeous and apparently owns a flea market up town. Kinda looked like Marilyn Monroe went goth. Gotta stop by there sometime"

17. Talk about one person that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. "Mmmm my old buddy that I actually moved here for in the first place. Mother fucker was a real tight ass come to find out. Working with him made you feel like you worked for a damn corporation and everything had to be fucking perfect"

18. What your favorite color? Foods? Weathers/Seasons?

"That's alot of questions in fucking one bro… Colors, ey probably Green. Food? Shit that's a hard one. I'm partial to Mexican, I can make mean ass enchiladas but MAN then there's shit like stir fry and some good chicken fried rice, oh! Or hot wings! Ok ok weather, Winter I guess? As long as the roads ain't iced which back in Oragon… fuck! Sometimes that shit sucked"

19. What did you do on your most recent birthday?

"Got so drunk I fell down a fucking stair case! Ha! Yeah it was big fuckin party and since I was born on New years….. yeah it was cranking. Set off fire crackers in the back yard, nearly caught the guys house we were ats shed on fire"

20. At what age do you feel that you stopped being a child and “grew up”? "What's that?" πŸ˜‚

21. Do you make friends easily? Talk about them for a little bit.

"Hell yeah! I love meeting new people! Let's see I met Dallas first, at a gig with my old group. Fucking was shit faced running around in his boxers. Mot hilarious thing I've seen! Dudes a crack up! And I was pretty drunk to so guess who joined him! This guy! We did a shit ton of shots and after some guy dared us to both go streaking down the street, which … we DID! Great times! And that fuck introduced me to the other guys I usually kick it and work with"

23. What’s the last thing you’ve heard someone say about you behind your back?

"Uuuhhhh well I try to steer clear of that kinda shit but unfortunately some of my friends don't. Last time I was the topic though some douche twat at a gig was telling Dallas I was….. disturbing the other bands. Pretty sure he was just perma disturbed. Stupid grouchy mother fucker!"

23. What’s your reputation with the people around you. Do they like you? Dislike you? Why?

"EVERYONE LOVES ME! Ok actually maybe not everyone but it ain't very common. I try to be nice to most people and I guess maybe some assholes cunts can't handle my energy levels. Kinda thing one of my ex's had that issue. I'm like way up here and she was down there tryin to catch me you know? Oh and my brother and father…. Might have some opinions" πŸ˜‚

24. When’s the last time you got drunk? Do you remember what you did? Do you regret it?  "Um…. I'm nearly numb now. But yeah before this was at a bar with Dallas and some of his friends then Alex and his sister. We had… an interesting time let's just say. Beat up some guys being cunts, or at least tried. I don't regret it though, they were some pussy bitches!"

25. What habits/tics do you have? Do you annoy people with them? "Oh shit, I'm a mess and I think I piss everyone off with that at least once. Bad habit of just leaving shit wherever like yesterday Dallas came in bitching up a storm I'd left my laptop open in the kitchen and all the food from the fridge everywhere. Guess his nightly date was disgusted" 🀣

26. When was the last date you went on? How did it go? "Oh hellllll no! I tried dating this girl I met at a Halloween party, the last date we actually went on. She was obsessively asking to see my phone. Shit was annoying. Kept thinking I was cheating or some shit…. So I finally did in our bed" 🀣

27. Are you an open person or are you closed off?

"I'm a damn open book mostly. If that hasn't been clear yet"

28. What’s in your closet?

"Drumming equipment, Two rifles, a Glock, let's see…. Oh a few coats I never wear. Oh the keyboard I tried to learn for like twenty minutes. Need to remember to give that shit to Sage, know he wanted it"

29. What’s in your dresser/desk? "I don't have a desk… so mute point. As far as the dresser I guess, a complete mess of shit I actually managed to dump in there and not just left in the laundry basket"

30. What kind of soaps/shampoos/lotion scents do you use? Which ones do you not like?

"Whatever the hell is cheap yo, it's fucking soap"

31. Do you like candles? How many do you have and what scents?  "I mean no, never bought that shit but…. I could definitely sniff them in a store isle and have with Dallas. So yeah probably a good scent person"

32. On average how many hours of sleep do you get per day? Do you have problems sleeping or waking up? Has this affected your daily routine with other people/your job? "Depends, if I drink enough I crash but then I can suddenly go like three days on caffeine with crashing once"

34. When’s the last time you went on vacation? What did you do? "Ha! I don't do that shit but I mean look around you? California baby! Vacation is not having to do shit and getting day drunk on the beach"

35. When was the last time you were angry? What were you angry about? Did you get violent or pent it up?  "Well the other night some punk was seriously a vibe kill. Kept bitching then I guess my friend Dallas said something that pissed him off and because he was already on one yeah…. He attacked him like a pussy ass bitch with two of his friends. So I had to, I mean shit my fuckin nose is still bruised see?"

36. When was the last time you were sick? What happened? How long did it take until you were better?  "I had walking pneumonia last year, shit was the pits. Couldn't hardly breath, hospitalized for like a week… though the nurse was pretty fuckin hot so that was nice. But yeah I'm a smoker so let's just say I was out for the count for like a month and a half and still feeling that shit for a little of two months"

37. Are you allergic to anything? "Not that I know of?.... Damn what is this question? Making me feel like I'm at a damn hospital or some shit"

38. What kind of music do you like? Do you like/not care letting people know what you listen to or do you have certain songs/bands/genres you keep secret out of embarrassment/fear?

"I Mean I won't complain about much but I'm definitely more of a techno and rap person. Some pop but don't tell anyone. Gotta keep my googoo for Gaga a secret you know?" 🀣

39. What brings you nostalgia? Why? "Pretty much any comic book store. Granted they're alot different now but I remember back in the day when you could just go in there and read for hours. Oh and ours had this arcade section I used to meet my friends at. Think that buildings actually like a Clare's or something now. Kinda sad really. What else… oh CDs, I straight remember when having a hand held CD player meant you were ballin! Some kids still had fucking tape players!" 🀣

40. Talk about school. Did you go? What classes were you the strongest in? The weakest? Did you do any sports? Were you popular/loner? Bullied? A bully? College? What degree did you get?  "Oh school wasn't that bad really. I'd say I past most shit pretty easily and the stoner crowd was an easy going one. No one really bothers you. Unless they wanna buy of course… I sucked monkey cock at Math and Science. Straight up only classes I almost failed. I didn't do shit for sports I played in the band until they straight kicked me out for missing practices. I tried college but, well I dropped out a few years ago when I moved here to join a friends band"

41. Can you swim? At what age did you learn if you did? Have you swam in the ocean/lake or just in a pool? The last time you did swim? "Of course…. I used to fucking kick it in my friends pool like all the time growing up. One of many excuses to get the fuck out of the house. As for when I learned how you know I just kinda doggy paddle still, if the waters deep!" 🀣

42. What kind of holidays do you celebrate? Do you not? Do you celebrate with friends/family or alone? Which one is your favorite? "Ah holidays….. Nah I go to my homies on occasion or hit up the bars. Doesn't matter wh holiday that's usually the plan. Family sucks. Halloweens usually pretty dope though"

43. Is there anything that you collect? Hobbies? Do you share with others what you do/make or is it not their business?  "I don't anymore but I have like SIX fucking boxes of comics. At least… I don't exactly do that shit anymore though, I ain't got the time between jobs and partying now a days"

44. What temperature do you keep your home at? Do you prefer it warm or cool? "WELL! Someone fucking likes it all fucking hot and shit. I'd much rather have the apartment at like sixty five degrees but he doesn't like that I guess"

45. How many blankets do you sleep with? How big is your bed? How soft/firm is it? Can you sleep anywhere or under certain conditions?  "I get hot in my sleep easily, so yeah I have a comforter but I like to sleep on top with a throw. Or nothing at times cause I'm known to fall into that shit you know? If I even make it that far, I definitely like the sofa alot more. My roommate gets sooooo mad cause I'm constantly knocking out there. Keep telling him he isn't gonna wake my dead ass up but I don't think he believes me"

46. What kind of skills do you have? "Well you see I'm AMAZING at being an alcoholic….. Ha! Kidding! Well I can drum and shit you know. I also like to think I'm an ok DJ when it comes to cranking up parties or doing mixes you know? Oh shit I can tie like a hundred knots! Boy scouts and all it's wonderful real world experiences…. On that note I also make some bomb ass food. If I absolutely had to do something else with my life I'd definitely be like an epic master chef!!"

47. When was the last time you cried? What happened? "Shit, that's…. You got me I don't like touching on that shit. But, well when my mom died probably. Uh, it wasn't very long ago, she was pretty sick and had been for a long time"

48. What kind of drunk are you? Emotional? Angry? Clingy? Has this caused trouble for you?  "Hollllyy SHIT! I'm a fun drunk the fuck! Well I guess maybe some of it qualifies as clinging but pfffft never caused me problems. Always a good time"

49. Do you believe in god(s)? Do you go to church or religious celebrations often? "I believe there's something yo. But let's be real if there is we're probably just their little fuckin dolls running about for entertainment purposes. Fucked up really."


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