Fifty Character Questions - Dallas Noel Castillo



1. What’s one memory with a friend that you’re fond of? "My girlfriend Holly came over recently when I was having a hard time. We had a movie night with alot of junk food and honestly almost anytime ice struggled she's always there for me. Alot of fond memories there. Oh she got me this stuffy …. Look it's a dragon!!!"

2. Past relationships? How did they go? Do you still speak to each other? "Um, I don't do relationships. I mean ok I had like a couple girlfriend's in highschool but yeah…. I don't date. So unless you wanna hear about a few fuck buddies who have thrown fits about it which I guess there's that"

3. In what ways has someone hurt you? Who? "Well, like just yesterday my grandma told me how she's disappointed in me for becoming a druggy. I don't know where she's heard all those rumors but like…. Yeah, they used to be who I always went to for stuff but well, I guess they didn't like when I came down here. Thought I'd lost it because I dropped out of nursing school to move out here and play in a cover band while living out of my car"

4. Talk about a happy experience. "Oh I have plenty of those! Ok let's see, well yesterday me and Holly went to a theme park all day with her kids. Fucking adorable little shits. We were there until like eleven at night and her youngest was knocked out in the stroller and the other two were acting mean. Kind of a day we got to play just because of the kids you know? I was off and she was going crazy with them so we went out all day. It was fun!"

5. Talk about a traumatic experience. "Mmm I… well there was the time I almost died. I um, I'm epileptic see and I was out riding my horse back home. Had a small seizure and spooked the horse. He ran over me after I fell. When I came to it was the scariest thing, I couldn't breath, ribs crushed, punctured lung. Let's just say I'm luck to be alive right now and… well I try to stay on meds anymore especially with what I do for a living"

6. Do you have any siblings? Family? What’s your relationship with them? "No I'm a single kid. Never met my father and my mother abandoned me when I was like a week old with my grandma"

7. Talk about the last argument you’ve had with someone. What was it about? "Oh this fucking bitch at the grocery store wanted to catch a fucking attitude over HER machine malfunctioning. So I told her off and got the manager to come over and help because she was an incapable moron"

8. Do you have a job? What parts of it do you like/don’t like? What do you?  "Yes I do. I play bass for a band and weekends in salon. Love both, I've always been into music since I was a kid listening to my grandpa play his guitar. So I can play both guitar and bass and sing. Then of course I did go to cosmology school back in Texas. I mean honestly I'm more into like the make up side of it and LOVE Halloween but work is work"

9. Talk about the people you know at work. Do you like them? Do you hang out with them after work?

"Oh god ok the guys are all really cool. Love Johnny especially he's like my bestie even though he's like an obnoxious little brother most days. But absolutely NOTHING is like the Salon! Those bitches are like news papers with lips! I know way to much about some guy named Stanley's kids! Who the fuck is Stanley?!"

10. Pick a scar/injury you have/had and talk about how you got it.

"Ok well if not the scar on my poor head there's actually one from when I played football. Yes I know what you're thinking… I tried ok! Anyway I ate the bottom of a dog pile, the way my collar bone broke from a helmet crushing it, shit snapped and just broke skin enough that's there's a little, well I can still feel it for sure"

11. What do you look for in someone you wish to date? What do you find attractive? "I…. DO… NOT…. DATE….. "

12. Name something that you like that you’re embarrassed about. "Um my first tattoo…. So I had this highschool girlfriend and don't even ask I got her lips tattooed on my ass! It's the most annoying thing to explain when people ask so I usually just claim it was … a drunk moment or tell them to kiss it" πŸ˜‚

13. Who’s the last person you kissed? Is there anyone you’d like to kiss?

"Myself in the mirror…. I mean I'm not lying I left lip marks on Alex's bathroom mirror because he gets so pissed off!!"

14. What do you do to relax?  "A beer, Country music, A drive on my bike even. Maybe not all in that order… at least not sense I got the last DUI. I'd like to keep ahold of my license now a days"

15. Are you happy?  "I mean yeah, mostly?"

16. Talk about one person you’ve met recently.  "Well there was a girls hair I cut earlier who brought like all three of her fucking kids to the salon. Kept screaming at them and moving around …. She was annoying"

17. Talk about one person that you haven’t spoken to in awhile. "My old friend from college. She fucking tried to start drama because we fucked like twice and she thought that meant something I guess…"

18. What your favorite color? Foods? Weathers/Seasons? "Oh yes! Fun question! Yay! Black or pink! Fried chicken, Barbeque ribs, Oooo catfish um I'm fat, nachos! Ok enough food my favorite weather is definitely FALL and cool! Makes me want Starbucks and ….. football…. And pizza. Oh that's a food again oops"

19. What did you do on your most recent birthday?

"Beach party. It was lit! But just it's made known, fucking in the sand is NOT worth it. I literally got sand in my asscrack that was there the next morning!"

20. At what age do you feel that you stopped being a child and “grew up”?

"Immediately…… My grandpa had me helping him feed horses and heading cattle with him when I was small. I grew up knowing how to work hard and never give up. Not sure why they're shocked how I turned out"

21. Do you make friends easily? Talk about them for a little bit.

"I mean… kind of? I can hold a conversation when I have to but I'm kinda picky with who I keep talking to if I'm being honest"

23. What’s the last thing you’ve heard someone say about you behind your back?

"Oh my GOD apparently this bitch Miranda who works with me thinks I'm their worst stylist and was telling a client how she's had to fix my fuck ups before. I really hope our boss fires her. She trash talks everyone"

23. What’s your reputation with the people around you. Do they like you? Dislike you? Why?

"I like a good time! Ha! Ok yeah mostly and then there's the ones saying a bitch to much but at least I don't outrank Sage in that aspect yet. If I'm bitching it's about Stacey next door slamming her door at seven am in the morning, when Sage bitches it's…. At you for fucking something up in recording or having fun. Anyway yeah oops bunny trail so yeah I guess I'm one of the party boys and I'm sure it's no secret I like to fuck around. Why not right? I'm never gonna settle anyway and anymore who isn't having sex is seriously missing out"

24. When’s the last time you got drunk? Do you remember what you did? Do you regret it?

"Yesterday, and no not that time. Other than I regret doing that many shots…. Will I do it again? Most definitely!!"

25. What habits/tics do you have? Do you annoy people with them? "Um well I guess with people I know I can…. Be a bit touchy. Sometimes I get bitched at by like Sage or Alex if they're in a mood… meanies"

26. When was the last date you went on? How did it go?  "I bought myself chocolate…. Next question"

27. Are you an open person or are you closed off?

"I am so open it's an illusion…. Next question"

28. What’s in your closet? "Um my shirts and jackets and stuff…. "

29. What’s in your dresser/desk?  "My tattoo gun and ink at the moment. Probably some drawing paper and stuff"

30. What kind of soaps/shampoos/lotion scents do you use? Which ones do you not like?  "Oh yay another fun question! Ok so I like Axe Apollo alot and um Bearglove old spice, now for my hair I switch it up alot because it's good to do so like every six months of so. Or else you get… well it's like a build up on your hair it's nasty"

31. Do you like candles? How many do you have and what scents? "Natural smells all the way! Absolutely love like pine or pumpkin and I actually use lavender scented spray on like my pillows cause it helps me sleep"

32. On average how many hours of sleep do you get per day? Do you have problems sleeping or waking up? Has this affected your daily routine with other people/your job?  "I mean yeah, sleeping is rough at times. But if I'm drunk I can pass right out. If not I have take like sleep aids and shit"

34. When’s the last time you went on vacation? What did you do?

"It's been awhile but I did go to the grand canyon with a few friends. Whole experience donkeys and all. It was fun!"

35. When was the last time you were angry? What were you angry about? Did you get violent or pent it up? "A few hours ago actually…. I may have yelled at a friend for bumping my bike. But like he chipped the paint and shit oh my god!" Now I'm mad again!!"

36. When was the last time you were sick? What happened? How long did it take until you were better?

"Um last week, think I caught a stomach bug or something…. Last like four days maybe five?"

37. Are you allergic to anything? "Bullshit, dating and bigots. That's about it!"

38. What kind of music do you like? Do you like/not care letting people know what you listen to or do you have certain songs/bands/genres you keep secret out of embarrassment/fear? "Everything…. Country I was raised on, I got into rock as a teen as well as like r&b and pop because it was popular"

39. What brings you nostalgia? Why?

"Have you seen Yellowstone? Ok maybe not and it may not be Texas but it does make me miss home. Miles of nothing but country in some places. I miss it sometimes"

40. Talk about school. Did you go? What classes were you the strongest in? The weakest? Did you do any sports? Were you popular/loner? Bullied? A bully? College? What degree did you get?

"I was a JOCK. Believe it or don't but I was. Tried football and ended up playing soccer a few years. I was a straight A student and then did alot with the Theater. I was pretty popular"

41. Can you swim? At what age did you learn if you did? Have you swam in the ocean/lake or just in a pool? The last time you did swim?

"Well of course! I was like three playing in a damn stock tank!"

42. What kind of holidays do you celebrate? Do you not? Do you celebrate with friends/family or alone? Which one is your favorite? "I mean yeah I try to make it home …. Not sure about this year but I try. Halloween for the win though!"

43. Is there anything that you collect? Hobbies? Do you share with others what you do/make or is it not their business?

"I have mountain of stuffed hello kitties…. And NEED MORE! Oh and then I have a wine bottle collection. Think I may be pushing my limits with that however I should probably toss some. Um I like partying and sex but we knew that. I'd say my jobs my hobby, oh I don't bartend anymore but mixing drinks is super fun to play with! And I may or may not be a sports fan… football mainly but I also love watching basketball and never miss an Olympics. Oh and horses, I love them though I don't really do much with them anymore"

44. What temperature do you keep your home at? Do you prefer it warm or cool? "Warmish? I like it at like seventy two to seventy five"

45. How many blankets do you sleep with? How big is your bed? How soft/firm is it? Can you sleep anywhere or under certain conditions?

"Ten million…. I get cold easily. So unless I have a cuddle buddy for the night I also have alot of pillows"

46. What kind of skills do you have? "Um… ha! Musician, Tattoo artist but I'm not the best, I'm killer at make up and hair. Alot of practice"

47. When was the last time you cried? What happened? "I don't do that….."

//LIES! πŸ˜‚//

48. What kind of drunk are you? Emotional? Angry? Clingy? Has this caused trouble for you?

"I mean mostly I'm a pretty bubbly drunk but…. I've also been called an angry drunk at times. So yes I've pissed some people off in my day"

49. Do you believe in god(s)? Do you go to church or religious celebrations often? "Yes, I'm a Christian. That all? Cool I need a shower and wine for the night"


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